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Teen Driving Safety

The number one killer of teenagers is automobile crashes, accounting for more than 5,000 deaths every year. Youngest drivers are most at risk: a 16-year old driver is 42 percent more likely to be involved in an accident than a teenager just one year older. Teens don't need to be victims of their driving inexperience. Here are some ways to help decrease the chances of driving accidents, and increase the chances of safe, accident-free driving by taking charge.

This information highlights examples of safety precautions you can take to help protect yourself, your family, and your property. This list is not meant to be all encompassing. Moreover, a particular precaution may not be effective in all circumstances.



Graduated Licensing
Graduated licensing is a conditional or intermediate license, awarded to teens, between a learner's permit and a regular adult license. By adopting a graduating licensing program, the country of New Zealand reduced teen driving deaths by nearly 33 percent.

Graduated Licensing Laws May Require:

Getting involved in teen driving safety and graduated licensing issues in your community is a great way to show you care.

Most insurance companies support graduated licensing!
Most companies sponsor a "Teen Taking Charge" Program which uses discussion guides, a video and a speaking script to help parents work with their kids, teaching them to recognize and react to potentially dangerous road situations. To obtain a "Teen Driver Taking Charge" program for your family, talk to an Agent today.

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