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Vehicle Theft Prevention

Motor vehicle theft is the fastest growing crime countrywide, according to the Insurance Information Institute. In fact, if vehicle theft were a legitimate business, it would rank 56 among America's largest corporations.

The $8 Billion Dollar Scam
Today, in the United States, a vehicle is stolen every 20 seconds. It's an $8 billion a year crime. Your chances of having your car or truck stolen or broken into are 1 in 42. By taking a few precautions, however, you can help reduce your vulnerability and protect your vehicle.

This information highlights examples of safety precautions you can take to help protect yourself, your family, and your property. This list is not meant to be all encompassing. Moreover, a particular precaution may not be effective in all circumstances.

Before You Leave Home...

While You're On The Road...

If Approached by Strangers...

When Parking Your Car...

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