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Las Vegas, NV—Day 146. On CBS's recent "Survivor" series 16 castaways were marooned on a remote desert island. Christer Gerlach, an adventurer from Sweden, prepares to continue his drive around the world in a Volvo V70 XC. The "Survivors" faced many trials and tribulations, but they had each other on which to depend. Gerlach, 54, is going it solo----all he has is his Volvo.

After clawing his way through Europe, Africa, Asia, Southeast Asia, Australia and the Pacific Rim, Gerlach is currently making his way across the United States. He will stop in 10 cities along the way including Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Minneapolis, Chicago, Detroit and New York. Thus far, he has visited a total of 21 countries and has had various obstacles thrust in his way. His commute is a true tale of survival.

Each new "challenge" has tested Gerlach's mettle as well as the durability of his car. So far he has encountered:

  • Wild elephants in Thailand
  • A monsoon in India
  • Monster traffic jams in Tokyo
  • Roads washed away by rivers
  • Crocodiles on the streets of Darwin in Australia
  • Bandits in Pakistan requiring an armed escort
  • No street signs in countries not speaking English
  • Limited fuel and Natural disasters

Gerlach left Stenhamra, Sweden on May 3rd driving through Germany, Austria and Italy. From there he traveled to Tunisia, crossing the Sahara to Libya, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan India and Nepal. The V70 XC was shipped by boat to Singapore and from there Gerlach visited Thailand, Malaysia, Australia, and Japan. He will continue to travel through the United States and Canada, eventually making his way back to Europe. There he will cross the Thames in England and return to Sweden.

Christer Gerlach has been awarded the title of the world's leading solo driver by the Guinness Book of World Records. He will drive over 40,000 kilometers, (nearly 25,000 miles) during this five-month journey.

The Auto Channel’s Brian Yesowitch spoke with Christer Gerlach in New York City as he prepares to ferry his Volvo eastward.

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