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Now You Can Learn All the Current Vehicle Country Identification Codes

AUTO CENTRAL - June 4, 2006: We know you've always wanted to know this information, so here it is, the complete list of all Vehicle Country Identification Codes. This way, when you're driving down the road and you see a car with one of those black and white oval patches with letters like "MGL" on it, you can be the first to shout out, "MONGOLIA."


A Austria -- M Malta
AFG Afghanistan -- MA Morocco
AG Antigua and Barbuda -- MAL Malaysia
AL Albania -- MC Monaco
AND Andorra -- MD Moldavia
ANG Angola -- MEX Mexico
ARK Antarctica -- MGL Mongolia
ARM Armenia -- MIS Marshall Islands
ARU Aruba -- MK Macedonia
AUS Australia -- MNS Micronesia
AX Åland -- MOZ Mozambique
AZ Azerbaijan -- MS Mauritius
B Belgium -- MV Maldives
BD Bangladesh -- MW Malawi
BDS Barbados -- MYA Myanmar
BF Burkina Faso -- N Norway
BG Bulgaria -- NA Netherlands Antilles
BH Belize -- NAM Namibia
BHT Bhutan -- NAU Nauru
BIH Bosnia-Herzegovina -- NCL New Caledonia
BOL Bolivia -- NEP Nepal
BR Brazil -- NIC Nicaragua
BRN Bahrain -- NL Netherlands
BRU Brunei -- NZ New Zealand
BS Bahamas -- OM Oman
BTN Bhutan -- P Portugal
BU Burundi -- PA Panama
BY Belarus -- PAK Pakistan
C Cuba -- PAL Palau
CAM Cameroon -- PE Peru
CD Democratic Republic of the Congo -- PL Poland
CDN Canada -- PNG Papua-New Guinea
CH Switzerland -- PS Palestinian Authority
CI Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) -- PY Paraguay
CL Sri Lanka -- PRI Puerto Rico
CO Colombia -- Q Qatar
COM Comoros -- RA Argentina
CR Costa Rica -- RB Botswana
CV Cape Verde -- RC China / Republic of China (Taiwan)
CY Cyprus -- RCA Central African Republic
CZ Czech Republic -- RCB Republic of the Congo
D Germany -- RCH Chile
DJI Djibouti -- RG Guinea
DK Denmark -- RH Haiti
DOM Dominican Republic - RI Indonesia
DY Benin -- RIM Mauritania
DZ Algeria -- RL Lebanon
E Spain -- RM Madagascar
EAK Kenya -- RMM Mali
EAT Tanzania -- RN Niger
EAU Uganda -- RO Romania
EC Ecuador -- ROK Korea
ERI Eritrea -- ROU Uruguay
ES El Salvador -- RP Philippines
EST Estonia -- RSM San Marino
ET Egypt -- RT Togo
ETH Ethiopia -- RUS Russia
F France -- RWA Rwanda
FIN Finland -- S Sweden
FJI Fiji -- SA Saudi-Arabia
FL Liechtenstein -- SCG Serbia and Montenegro
FO Faroes -- SD Swaziland
FSM Federated States of Micronesia -- SGP Singapore
G Gabon -- SK Slovakia
GB United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland -- SLB Salomon Islands
GBA Alderney -- SLO Slovenia
GBG Guernsey -- SME Suriname
GB Jersey -- SMOM Sovereign Military Order of Malta
GBM Isle of Man -- SN Senegal
GBZ Gibraltar -- SO Somalia
GCA Guatemala -- SOL Salomon Islands
GE Georgia -- STP São Tomé and Príncipe
GH Ghana -- SUD Sudan
GNB Guinea-Bissau -- SY Seychelles
GQ Equatorial Guinea -- SYR Syria
GR Greece -- T Thailand
GRO Greenland -- TCH Chad
GUB Guinea-Bissau -- TG Togo
GUI Guinea -- TJ Tajikistan
GUY Guyana -- TL Timor-Leste (East Timor)
H Hungary -- TM Turkmenistan
HK Hong Kong -- TN Tunisia
HN Honduras -- TON Tonga
HR Croatia -- TR Turkey
I Italia -- TT Trinidad and Tobago
IL Israel -- TUR Turkmenistan
IND India -- TUV Tuvalu
IR Iran -- UA Ukraine
IRL Republic of Ireland -- UAE United Arab Emirates
IRQ Iraq - USA United States of America
IS Iceland -- UZ Uzbekistan
J Japan -- V Vatican City
JA Jamaica -- VAN Vanuatu
JOR Jordan -- VN Vietnam
K Cambodia -- WAG The Gambia
KAN Saint Kitts and Nevis -- WAS Sierra Leone
KS Kyrgyzstan -- WAN Nigeria
KIR Kiribati -- WB West Bank
KP North Korea -- WD Dominica
KSA Saudi-Arabia -- WG Grenada
KWT Kuwait -- WL Saint Lucia
KZ Kazakhstan -- WS Samoa
L Luxembourg -- WSA Democratic Arab Republic Sahara
LAO Laos -- WV Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
LAR Libya -- Y Yemen
LB Liberia -- YV Venezuela
LS Lesotho -- Z Zambia
LT Lithuania -- ZA South Africa
LV Latvia -- ZW Zimbabwe


ADN Aden
BP Botswana
BUR Burma
CS Czechoslovakia
DDR German Democratic Republic
EW Estonia
FR Faroes
R Romania
SF Finland
SU Soviet Union
YU Yugoslavia
ZRE Zaire

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