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1996 Indianapolis 500
Practice Session Summary


Today's schedule calls for Driver Orientation to start at 1:00 pm local time. As of 12:00 noon, the rain is falling. On high-speed oval tracks, unlike road courses, open wheel cars do not run in the rain. It takes approximately 1 1/2 hours to dry the track at IMS. Keep checking back for more updates as the day goes on, and a complete list of times, laps and speeds if cars get on the track.

As of 3:00 it is still raining. Looks like no one is going to make it on the track, except for the tour buses. Check back tomorrow.

Note: Driver orientation takes drivers through testing "phases" as part of their orientation process. Their speeds are limited to various ranges until they are comfortable with the car and the track. There will be further explanation of the process in the daily Notes & Quotes when posted later today.

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