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Ford Notes

Ford Team Observations & Quotes

Daytona Beach, Fl

Winston Cup

Robert Yates Racing Team members from both the 88 and 28 crews celebrated their Busch Clash victory with shrimp and champagne at a Port Orange seafood restaurant Sunday evening, Edsel Ford, President of Ford Credit, and Dan Biggs, Motorsports Manager for Ford Quality Care, sent telegrams of congratulations to their Winston Cup team on its inaugural race. For Todd Parrott, the celebration marked his first victory as a crew chief -- and his first race as a crew chief.

Todd Parrott's dad, Buddy Parrott -- crew chief for Roush Racing's jeff Burton-Exide Thunderbird, also won his first race at Daytona, ironically in another #88 owned by Diegard Racing. Darrell Waltrip was the driver at the time. Robert Yates was also part of that winning effort.

The last time Todd was in vistocry lane at Daytona was in 1984 when Richard Petty won his 200th race during the Pepsi 400. Again, Todd shared the victory with Buddy - who was crew chief, and Robert Yates - who was the engine builder.

Todd commented, "To be honest with you, no, I didn't think it would happen this early. I knew we'd run good because Robert Yates' teams always run good at Daytona and Talladega. so I felt confident that with what I've learned over the years, we might make this team a little better in time, but winning the Busch Clash was not even in my wildest dreams.

"Dale's not a substitute driver this year, and he knows that. I know that, and I'm excited about working with him. I think when this year's over, a lot of people are going to be surprised with what we accomplished.

"You know, Darrell Waltrip's always paid a lot of attention to how certain numbers come up. I talked to dad about the numbers that came up yesterday. When they put the restoctor plate on the car yesterday, it was plate number 2228, and when Dale won the pole for the Daytona 500 last year, it was chassis number 22, car 28 from Robert Yates Racing. Sometimes things like stick.

Robert Yates as asked about his chances Sunday for the Daytona 500. "We're going to do everything we can to finish 1-2. We've said along that short sprints on fresh tires would be our strength, that long runs on hot, worn tires would play to the guys with the rear down force gained when they widened the tails of those Monte Carlos. It doesn't mean we don't have a chance. But it means we can't make any mistakes if we are going to win. The GM guys have a greater margin for error."

Busch Series

Hut Stricklin set the pace for the Ford teams with the 12th best qualifying speed for the Goody's 300 (Saturday on ESPN taped delay 8:30 pm). This is Hut's first race as a team owner.

The next best Ford team was Dale Jarrett's owned Band-Aid Thunderbird checking in at 17th. The balance of the Fors drivers with locked in positions are Derrike Cope (21st), Lonnie Rush (22nd) and Michael Waltrip (25th).

Stricklin is running in the #28 Smokey Mountain Chew Thunderbird. "That was as fast as we ran in practice (qualifying time - 186.982). We got a little bit too aggresive taping up the front. We were going for it and we probably did a little too much taping and the engine got a little too hot and slowed down on the second lap. Now we need to work on the race setup.

When asked if he can learn anything from the Goody's 300 that will help with the Daytona 500, Hut said, "Oh, yes. All week, we've been comparingboth cars and really trying to apply everything we learn from one to the other. I've learned there's a little more added pressure when you own your own team."

Dale Jarrett said, "We're pretty happy. We ran two and a half tenths faster than we did last year and we started on the outside of the front row. The Cheverolets have picked up a lot somewehere along the long the line and we're no match for them, but we'll be all right on Saturday. We'll be pretty good once we get out there drafting with everbody. I'm happy with the car."