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Claims Advice: Property Loss
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What to do in the event of a Property Loss ?
  • Contact your Agent's Office 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to get the claim process started. Your agent can answer your questions and arrange for the handling of covered losses.
  • In some cases, your home will require temporary repairs to prevent additional damage from occurring. Your Agent can answer questions and arrange for a claim adjuster to contact you with additional instructions. If you must make temporary repairs before you are able to contact your Agent, be sure to save all paperwork (estimates and receipts) pertaining to these repairs.
  • There may also be actions that you can take to prevent additional damage to your home and its contents. Again, your first course of action should be to promptly report your claim and seek instruction from your Agent. If you are unable to reach your agent immediately, however, the following are examples of things you can do to limit the scope of damage:

          - Water damage
          - Fire and smoke damage
          - Vandalism damage

  • If your home is determined to be uninhabitable as the result of a loss that is covered by your homeowner policy, your policy may provide coverage for the increased living expenses you incur to maintain your normal standard of living. Your Claim Adjuster can answer questions you may have about this coverage; and if you have the coverage, will provide information about what expenses are covered.
  • Do not throw away any of the damaged property, it may be necessary for your Claim Adjuster to inspect the item(s) in order to properly investigate and evaluate your claim.

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